Sunday, 1 January 2023

Ask HN: Concepts that clicked only years after you first encountered them?

Ask HN: Concepts that clicked only years after you first encountered them?
458 by luuuzeta | 673 comments
I'm reading Petzold's Code [1], and it dawned on me that I didn't understand logic gates intuitively until now. I took a Computer Architecture course back in college, and I understood what logic gates meant in boolean algebra but not empirically. Petzold clarified this for me by going from the empirical to the theoretical using a lightbulb, a battery, wires, and relays (which he introduces when he talks about the telegraph as a way to amplify a signal). Another concept is the relationship between current, voltage, and resistance. For example, I always failed to understand why longer wires mean more resistance while thicker wires mean less resistance. [1]:

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